Non-Profit Accelerator Launching Search for Next Leader 

CINCINNATI, OH –July 12, 2022- Aviatra Accelerators, the successful Cincinnati-based non-profit accelerator devoted to empowering women-owned startups and small businesses, announces that its established CEO, Nancy Aichholz, will transition away from day-to-day operations later this summer.  Ms. Aichholz will be actively involved in the organization’s search for its next President and CEO and will remain in the role until a successor is named. The organization’s goal is to install the new President and CEO by October 2022.

“Nancy possesses a rare combination of grace, vision, leadership, passion and dedication not only for female entrepreneurs, but to the growth of our region,” said Trey Grayson, Aviatra Accelerators Board Member and outgoing Board Chair who has worked closely with Nancy since 2018.  “She has fostered relationships in the start-up, government and academic arenas, along with key funders, that have been critical to our expansion and growth not only in Greater Cincinnati, but throughout the region and our digital offerings,” Mr. Grayson continued.

At the beginning of her Aviatra tenure, Aichholz established Aviatra’s headquarters in Covington, Kentucky added staff and was instrumental in the creation of the organization’s first strategic plan. Later, she led Aviatra’s rebranding effort to create a more compelling and relevant brand for the accelerator. Working with Aviatra’s Board of Directors and Aviatra’s Advisory Board, she successfully positioned Aviatra’s educational programming for female entrepreneurs, resulting in over 3,000 local women completing Aviatra programs.  Aviatra entrepreneurs have created 15,000 jobs and have a cumulative total of well over a billion dollars in earned revenue. 

As an entrepreneur herself, prior to her leadership role at Aviatra, Aichholz created a gourmet cake company called NanBrands while at home raising her children, after pursuing corporate marketing roles.  Aichholz plans to return to her own entrepreneurial focus with a new business endeavor that will be formally announced later this year.


About Aviatra Accelerators  

Celebrating nearly twelve years of supporting women-on-the-rise to find the power to soar, Aviatra Accelerators, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, exists to empower female entrepreneurs, providing education, coaching, mentoring, networking and access to capital. Aviatra’s programs are tailored to meet the needs of women entrepreneurs at all stages of the business cycle. With a presence in Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio, and Covington, Kentucky, Aviatra Accelerators has helped over 3,000 female entrepreneurs create 15,000 jobs, has awarded millions in funding, and its entrepreneurs have generated a cumulative total of over $1 billion in earned revenues.   For more about Aviatra and its female entrepreneur success stories, visit, https://aviatraaccelerators.org.


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For media: link to download high-resolution, professional headshot of Nancy Aichholz and Aviatra image:  https://cristofolikeeling.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/CKCompanyShare/EgUulJQIHwlHu6WmL-odpDwBr3F0VkXUvzlA1so1YTIOYA?e=IKOpjx

Ann Keeling