Social Media Followers Are People Too

Social media follower strategies, tactics, algorithms, tracking pixels, you-name-it… are all important, but we must never forget that our social media followers are all people too (not to mention the occasional robot).

When it comes to building social media platforms for companies, brands and organizations, it is critical to have a strategy that keeps in mind what followers really want. You can research and follow the latest trends, but it’s safe to say that no one wants to be advertised to all day – they want to be entertained, engaged and informed.

Consider what type of content authentically engages you. Look for ways to incorporate that into your social efforts. Does video content always catch your eye? Do you enjoy personal posts that introduce the people behind a brand? Take a step back from your brand’s social media platforms and analyze them from an external perspective.  

Once a company has an established social media schedule it’s easy to fall into dryness where their social content begins to all look the same. Routinely evaluate your social content – monthly, quarterly, annually – and continue to ask important questions – Are your followers being engaged? Do your followers have a better understanding of your business because of your social content? Are your social media efforts working toward your main business objectives?

A lot can change when you think about your followers as people instead of numbers.

Abby Clark