Is Twitter Being Replaced by Instagram Stories?

If you haven’t jumped on board the Instagram story train yet, don’t worry, you will soon. Instead of mindlessly watching commercials, we find ourselves glued to the Instagram stories of our friends, celebrities, artists, businesses and favorite brands. It’s highly engaging (or addictive) because our user data makes the content perfectly curated to our personal interests. With this fast-paced medium, if an uninteresting story appears, we are in total control as we quickly skip to view the next one. While it’s become increasingly challenging to grow a following on Instagram over the past year due to shadow banning and algorithm changes, creative story AR additions are the latest trend driving engagement on the platform, as Social Media Today shares. Yes, if you haven’t tried to see which Disney character you are yet on Instagram stories, you’re behind the times. 

Lately Twitter seems to be becoming even more ‘niche’. It you’re a Twitter person, then you may always be a Twitter person–– quippy, direct, opinionated Tweets are hard to beat when it comes to politics, humor and breaking news. However, Instagram stories seem to be leading the way, and may be taking up some of Twitter’s space in the process. ‘Stories’ allow people or brands to share a quick thought or sell, but also offer a more visually engaging platform than Twitter. Maybe Instagram stories are the best of both worlds. And, the icing on the cake? The fact that they only last for 24 hours. You can save them for longer, but the time limit tends to make brands, influencers, celebrities and friends a little more bold. What if no one likes this story? What if it’s too confrontational or divisive? Well in that case, it’s there and then it’s not.

Abby Clark