The Dimensions of You: It’s Not All About Work

We get it. You’re obsessed with your job (and we are too). You eat, sleep, breathe, work, and most nights you find yourself thinking about your latest project while you’re trying to fall asleep. But is narrowing all of your brain power to one area of your life, although important, really doing you any favors? Is it helping propel you to your next career milestone or is it holding you back?

 In reality, chronically exerting all your energy into your work will leave your passion tank running low and creativity will just be a distant memory. Because when you’re constantly absorbed in your work, you put yourself in a dangerous box that you’re unable to see outside of, which is how many professionals find themselves in a creative funk.

 That’s why what you do outside of the office is just as crucial as the work you do at your desk. Finding an activity that sparks your passion and interest (i.e. passion projects) will get those creative muscles moving, new wheels turning in your head, and bring new joy to your life.

 It’s simple: commit to one project, set a goal for yourself, and make time to work toward that goal. Your project could be just about anything. Your favorite song? Take guitar lessons and learn how to play it. Notice yourself always admiring your neighbors garden? Maybe it’s time to test out your green thumb. Your highly anticipated trip to Paris next year? Don’t just go there, learn the language! The possibilities are endless. Just choose something that gets you fired up and stirs your curiosity.

 By stepping out of your work tunnel vision for just a bit each day, you’ll reignite your creative fire and be able to see things from a number of different perspectives. Ultimately adding value to your work, your company and yourself.

Abby Clark