Burn Out: When You Stop Believing in the Next Big Marketing Trend

Marketing trends will come and go. Some will stick and revolutionize the processes we use, others will become another deleted app or failed campaign strategy. With new tech, apps, and social media tools appearing daily, it’s not hard to get burned out when it comes to having an open mind about trying something new. 

We catch ourselves thinking that a new tool will simply take too much time to learn… it probably won’t even work well… remember last time? And so on, until we become a little too unwilling to try new things. Maybe a new social media management tool could cut your time spent in half or a different editing app could completely innovate the way you create campaign assets. 

You never know until you try… don’t let the strain of keeping up with the ever-changing marketing scene burn you out and prevent you from innovating your ‘tried and true’ processes that could use a shakeup. Of course, no one would recommend trying every ‘next big thing’… we actually do have work to get done, but commit to occasional research about a new app or tool that could innovate the work you do, driving growth and forward movement.  

Abby Clark